Najlepšie BCAA

Aminokyseliny s rozvetveným reťazcom, viac známe ako BCAA, sú zložené z troch základných aminokyselín, ktoré vaše telo potrebuje a nedokáže si ich syntetizovať samo, a preto ich musíte prijímať externe z potravy.

Best amino acid supplement for energy

THE Amino +

Our most advanced amino formula to date, THE Amino+ with PhaseTech™ is powered by our unique time-release beadlet technology, giving you the sustained boost of ingredients you need to see results — whatever your fitness goals.

THE Amino+ harnesses clinically studied cutting-edge micronised amino acids, as well as plant extracts including ashwagandha and specifically chosen vitamins to help you stay ahead of the game.

Packed with 14g of amino acids, supported by PhaseTech™ time-release BCAAs and glutamine — THE Amino+ is the ideal boost when you need it most. BCAAs naturally occur in protein and help to build and repair new muscle.

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Best amino acid supplement for weight loss

100% L-Carnitine

As L-Carnitine improves the body’s ability to oxidise fatty acids, it’s often described as a fat burner. Acetyl l-carnitine is the acetyl ester of l-carnitine, which transports nutrients into the energy centre of the cell.

Ideal for active individuals throughout the day. Take between 1 and 4 scoops (500mg per scoop) of powder with a drink of your choice prior to a workout will improve both your mental focus and fat burning potential.

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Best L-Glutamine powder

L Glutamine

We’re making it easier than ever to find the products you need, whatever your goal.

That’s why we’ve changed Acetyl L Carnitine to 100% L-Carnitine Amino Acid - but don’t worry, we’ve definitely not changed the taste or the nutritionals, so it’s still your favourite… Acetyl L-carnitine is created in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine, and our super-convenient tablets help you even in your most rigorous workouts.

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Best L-carnitine tablets

L-Carnitine Tablets

Although L-Carnitine is commonly associated with muscle-building and fat loss, it has also been linked to anti-ageing. In the body, L-Carnitine functions to transport long-chain fatty acids within the mitochondria, which can then be oxidised to produce energy. Through this, it reduces fatigue and can also act as an appetite suppressant.

Our L-Carnitine Tablets are perfect for when you’re on-the-go and need to boost your alertness, particularly before a training session.

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Best beta alanine supplement

Beta Alanine Powder

Beta alanine is an incredibly useful supplement for those who workout or participate in sports. Once ingested, it increases carnosine levels, which subsequently prolongs the amount of work you can do at a high intensity, resulting in a performance increase.

Taking 3-5g of our Beta Alanine Powder before a workout will give you all the stimulation you need for a great session, particularly when mixed with another amino acid drink such as MyAmino Boost.

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Best leucine supplement

L-Leucine Powder

L-Leucine is an essential amino acid. As an essential amino acid it cannot be made by the human body and, therefore, must be consumed through food such as nuts, brown rice and whole wheat bread products or dietary supplements.

Our L-leucine powder is therefore suitable for an individual wanting to increase their daily intake of L-Leucine and essential amino acids.

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